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[[ title ]]

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[[ title ]]

[[ helptext ]]

[[ subtitle ]]

[[ chart.title ]]
[[ chart.caption_1 ]]
[[ chart.caption_2 ]]
[[ footnote ]]
[[ chart.title ]]
[[ chart.caption_1 ]]
[[ chart.caption_2 ]]
[[ footnote ]]

[[ details ]]

[[ subtitle ]]
[[ col_1 ]] 
[[ col_2 ]] 
[[ col_3 ]] 
[[ col_4 ]] 
[[ col_5 ]] 
[[ col_6 ]] 
[[ planet.planet ]]
[[ planet.sign ]]
[[ planet.degrees ]]
[[ planet.sign_lord ]]
[[ planet.nakshatra ]]
[[ planet.nakshatra_lord ]]

[[ col_1 ]] 
[[ col_2 ]]
[[ col_3 ]]
[[ col_4 ]]
[[ col_5 ]]
[[ col_6 ]]

[[ planet.planet ]]
[[ planet.sign ]]
[[ planet.degrees ]]
[[ planet.sign_lord ]]
[[ planet.nakshatra ]]
[[ planet.nakshatra_lord ]]

[[ pang.name ]]
[[ pang.detail ]]
[[ pang.name ]]
[[ pang.detail ]]

[[ a_details ]]

[[ col_a1 ]] 
[[ col_a2 ]] 
[[ col_a3 ]] 
[[ aspect.planet ]]
[[ aspect.aspected_signs ]]
[[ aspect.aspected_planets ]]

[[ col_a1 ]] 
[[ col_a2 ]]
[[ col_a3 ]]

[[ aspect.planet ]]
[[ aspect.aspected_signs ]]
[[ aspect.aspected_planets ]]

[[ f_details ]]

[[ col_f1 ]] 
[[ col_f2 ]] 
[[ col_f3 ]] 
[[ col_f4 ]] 
[[ col_f5 ]] 
[[ col_f6 ]] 
[[ fr.planet ]]
[[ fr.fastfriends ]]
[[ fr.friends ]]
[[ fr.neutral ]]
[[ fr.enemies ]]
[[ fr.bitterenemies ]]

[[ col_f1 ]] 
[[ col_f2 ]] 
[[ col_f3 ]] 
[[ col_f4 ]] 
[[ col_f5 ]] 
[[ col_f6 ]] 
[[ fr.planet ]]
[[ fr.fastfriends ]]
[[ fr.friends ]]
[[ fr.neutral ]]
[[ fr.enemies ]]
[[ fr.bitterenemies ]]

[[ title ]]
[[ title ]]