Learn More about AstroLinked®

AstroLinked has been created to demystify Astrology, which is widely regarded as a mystical science. We hope to simplify a complicated science that the novice can learn from and the expert can enjoy. Astrology can be fun. Bringing together coincidences, the seemingly unreal connections and the sequence of events of one’s life on AstroLinked will surprise the believer and the skeptic alike. And fully equip them to make predictions on their own! Not only that, linking with others on the basis of planets, the planetary time periods or dashas, will bring to the fore the reasons for the commonality or otherwise between people. A unique forum, the only one of its kind in the world, for interacting on the basis of astrological details has been created. As a tribute to the sages who devised such an intricate, accurate and stunning system of predictions, the shackles of the negative image that this pure science carries are all set to be broken.

Here, we explain how the AstroLinked site and apps are structured and introduce the basic terminology used across the site and apps, some of which pertains to general Astrology, some specific to Vedic Astrology and yet another set which is specific to AstroLinked. Detailed explanation is provided on the specific pages for each option.


When you sign up with AstroLinked, your basic birth information is captured to create your Astro-profile. The key information from your Astro-profile is displayed on your ‘Profile’ page, along with Daily Predictions based on Vedic Astrology. You are encouraged to assess the accuracy of these predictions and rate them for fine-tuning your Astro-profile in the future.

Dashas and Events

In this section, you can record your life events and phases, for easy tracking and simple analysis. Map these events with Dashas or the planetary time periods calculated using the placement of your natal moon. See which planets seem to bring you joy and which ones appear to ring in trouble. Or you can map with Transits. Transits refer to the placement of planets when an event happened. Taking it further, have fun and map with both! Look at the complete Dasha table and make your own predictions. Easily dispel doubts and fears that cloud your mind. Be your own astrologer!

Apart from the most commonly used Vimshottari Dasha system, AstroLinked also supports other popular ones, like the Yogini Dasha, or Jaimini's Chara Dasha and Sthira Dasha. Two conditional Dashas are also supported, Dvisaptati Sama Dasha and Jaimini's Mandook Dasha.

Add More Horoscopes

You can add an unlimited number of horoscopes of your friends and family members who have not yet registered on this site or apps, and thus build a team of your own. You will have full access to keep all their information updated at all times, as you do for your own. Other AstroLinked users will be able to view their information based on the privacy settings that you choose for these team members. You can also create accounts for celebrities or public figures within your team, if you have their required astro-details from personal sources or from the public domain.


AstroLinked is a unique forum where you can ‘Add Friends’ and share information based on astrology. How much each one of you wishes to share will depend on your selected privacy settings.

In addition, AstroLinked allows you to follow or unfollow celebrities and other AstroLinked users, known or not known to you. You can ‘Search’ for people in the network. If those other users permit, you can see alerts for their birthdays, anniversaries of their major life events and their latest activities on the site or in the app.


AstroLinked allows you to search for people based on the placement of planets in their birth charts. So, you can quickly get a list of celebrities and others whose birth charts are accessible to you, like your own team members or your friends in the AstroLinked network.


In this section, you can figure out how you connect with other people based on the natal placement of planets, the planetary time cycles or even basic birth details. How does it help? It makes you aware of the reasons for similar life situations and common traits with others. More importantly, it allays the fear of the unknown as you can very well see others passing through similar phases or influences of the so called cruel planetary transits or periods.

Check Compatibility

Dive into compatibility if you are looking for a partner. Traditionally, Vedic ‘Gun milan’ based marriage compatibility analysis has been conducted in India and is still very common. Here, we deploy the same technique to check your compatibility with any other person whose birth details are available. All the parameters have been described and you can yourself see which are important for the partnership in question and how the two of you perform on those parameters. Consider all the parameters if you are indeed looking for a life partner.

Life Predictions

Here, you can view the overall general life predictions based on the placement of planets at the time you were born. Please note that specific predictions based on a far more detailed analysis of individual charts could vary significantly from the generalized predictions given here.

Family Predictions

Your birth chart also reveals how you will see your close relatives. Here, you can see the basic predictions for your parents, siblings, spouse, children, and their spouses, and so on... from your point of view, based on your own birth details. For exact analysis, you can add the specific family members as your 'Team Members', providing their birth details.

Personal Details

This option allows you to review the details provided by you during sign up, and provide some more optional information. This option is also used when you create a new team member's account or to update the details for an existing one.


This section is dedicated to people already in the know-how of Vedic Astrology, and you are encouraged to share it with your Astrologer if so desired. It contains the Birth chart or the Horoscope, the divisional charts, wealth chart, bhava chalit and ashtakavarga charts, along with the major astro-details, including the degrees, nakshatra, nakshatra-pad and nakshatra-lord for each planet along with their aspects and five-fold friendships, in case of birth chart and current chart.

In addition, charts used in Jaimini system are also given with various Karakas, Padas, Brahma, Rudra, Maheshwara, and the Jaimini aspects.

Privacy Settings

You can choose for yourself which all information you wish to keep private, or make public to be accessible to others.

Social: XYZ and You

When you select a friend or any other user, another option ‘XYZ and You’ will crop up on the AstroLinked website where you can see the various commonalities between the two of you, and dive into compatibility if you are looking for a partner. The same can be accessed under the section ‘Social’ in the AstroLinked app. Remember, you can only see the information that those other users have made public.

We heartily welcome you to our world and hope that it becomes your world too!

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